Hotel Design Mistakes to Avoid for a Successful Project

Interior design is something which can be considered extremely subjective, with different individuals and users bringing different ideas and opinions on what they consider to be attractive, enticing, appealing, or unpleasant.

However, the challenge facing those who are involved in the interior design of a hotel, is that every aspect of the design needs to be suitable for guests from all walks of life – each bringing their own tastes and specific requirements to the table.

In this blog post, we’re considering some common hotel design mistakes to avoid – including ones which can have a negative impact on guest experience and those which are simply too niche or specific for the broad array of guests that you want to welcome into your hotel.

But first, what are we talking about when we cover hotel interior design?

What does ‘hotel interior design’ cover and refer to?

In essence, when we talk about hotel interior design, we are considering everything from furnishings to layout, decorative elements, functional accessories, and the way the different spaces relate to each other in terms of design.

Every aspect of hotel design plays a part in the guest experience whether it’s functional or a part of the journey you want them to take within your hospitality space, and so working through the design of different rooms as individual spaces and as part of the wider business is crucial.

Here are a handful of the mistakes to avoid – and why.

1. Not providing enough storage space

This is a common bug-bear which seen across residential properties, rental buildings, offices, and hospitality spaces – yet it’s a problem with such an easy solution. Storage space is an integral part of the design of any space which you want people to use and enjoy – with hotel interior designers needing to consider the storage of everyday items and possessions, as well as clothes, bags, and more.

One piece of advice to consider is to look at the location of their hotel and the activities that most guests are engaging in and provide storage to suit those needs. For example, a hotel on the beach could offer storage for surfboards and wetsuits, to match its location with the provision of guest spaces.

2. Not considering light for all hours

Poor hotel lighting

Everyone loves natural light and will thank you for large windows during daylight hours. But what about the night owls who stay in your hotel? Thinking about different light sources for (literally) all hours, is an important part of hotel interior design – not just in terms of providing sufficient for functional activity and movement, but also in terms of creating an enjoyable environment.

Too harsh, and guests will feel on edge – too dim, and simple things like moving around your hotel and finding different things will become more difficult.

3. Trying too hard to be creative

This is a tricky one because, when it comes to interior design, thinking outside the box is important if you want to stand out. However, deviating too far away from what guests expect can mean that your hotel is difficult to navigate in terms of the simple actions of checking in and heading to breakfast.

So, find ways of making those experiences unique and memorable, but in a way which is still easy to understand.

4. Opting for aesthetics over comfort

This is a factor in hotel design which carries over from the public guest spaces to private bedrooms – but is equally important across all areas. Making sure that a good design does not overpower the comfort of your space is key. After all, guests will love the experience you give them in terms of design and aesthetics, but it’s the quality of the nights’ sleep that they will be talking about over breakfast.

5. Making your design too bold

Bold colours and patterns are great if they compliment the theme of your hotel, but this should be done sparingly with perhaps one or to stand out colours and features in each space of the hotel. Too much colour or in-your-face patterning can be overpowering and can impact the quality of your guests’ rest, so strip it back and use detail to enhance the space.

For the most part, hotel interior design is something which will be informed by the overall theme of your hotel and the experience you want to provide. Following these rules will help to keep your space functional as well as design friendly, and will also help to ensure guests have an enjoyable experience during their stay.

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