Elevating the Hotel Guest Experience

The hotel guest experience does not revolve solely around the presentation of their room and available access to certain facilities. While these things are no doubt important in framing their overall view of the hotel, the guest experience begins long before they are handed their hotel room key – with the reception and hotel lobby forming the very first impression that will frame and influence their entire stay.

To consider the design of a hotel is to focus not only on how the rooms are laid out and presented but on how the hotel lobby and communal spaces impact the overall experience – with the very best guest stays bridging the gap between practicality and comfort for all.

In this blog post, we consider a few of the best ways of elevating the hotel guest experience through interior design and layout, focussing on modern trends as well as the timeless features which hotel guests always notice and look out for.

The importance of interior design in framing the guest experience

Interior design is responsible for making each space within your hotel both look great and exude practicality. Guests want to be able to quickly and easily identify the different areas within your hotel, navigating the layout and finding the different areas that they need when they need them.

In addition to this, interior design is what can transform your hotel from a good stay to a great stay – highlighting memorable features and creating the kind of cohesive guest experience which will keep visitors coming back again and again.

A good example of this is to look at how themed hotels generate a consistent experiences in terms of the décor and the way that the hotel is laid out in line with the overall theme. This could be reflected in the way you name and label hotel rooms, the colour schemes you integrate into the different areas of your hotel, the way you use texture throughout the space, and how you enhance the guest experience more through interaction.

In short, the quality of the guest experience includes everything from the service they receive to the surroundings and the way that those surroundings contribute towards the way the space is used. If you market a themed hotel, make sure that theme is present in every touchpoint; if your hotel is one built on luxury and elegance, again, make sure that this is reflected throughout.

Features to focus on through your hotel interior design

Elevate the hotel guest experience

Hotel owners and interior designers can improve the guest stay by focussing on the different features of their hotel’s design – from wall colours to flooring types, furnishings, accessories, and way that the rooms and communal spaces are laid out to enhance functionality and style.

An overfilled room will likely present a chaotic aesthetic; meanwhile, a minimalist room runs the risk of feeling quite cold without the right attention to textural details and soft warm colours. Creating a hotel aesthetic which supports and enhances the guest experience means finding the right balance between controlling everything about the setting, and leaving it free for guests to interpret as they please – and much of this lies not only in the colours and furnishings you select, but in the way that textures compliment and juxtapose each other, and in the way that your colour palettes are enhanced by light and standout features.

To fine-tune the guest experience in your hotel and transform your hotel space into one which will be remembered for all the right reasons, it is always worth paying attention to the following:

  • The way each area of your hotel is lit. Consider how best to maximise natural light to make your hotel feel welcoming and warm, but don’t neglect artificial light which will become an integral part of setting the right mood during the evenings and darker winter days.
  • Texture and the importance of texture particularly in neutrally decorated spaces. Texture is an excellent way to elevate the aesthetic detail of a modern and minimalist space, adding life and interest to a space without overloading it with colour. Consider blending together natural materials with soft fabrics to exude both a warm and inviting atmosphere.
  • Navigation is key. You can have the best and most high end furnishings in the world, but if they don’t balance each other within the hotel room or communal space you are dressing, they lose their value and present a chaotic finish.

Elevating the guest experience in your hotel starts and ends with the way your hotel is designed, decorated, and dressed. Great service is brought to life in a hotel which is laid out cohesively and designed with an eye to guest usage and experience – while the little detail and features are what guests will remember when considering a future stay.

If you’re looking to redesign, renovate, or start a hotel interior project from scratch, our team offers both hands-on support and advice. Simply get in touch to discuss, and let us help you bridge the gap between business profit and an unforgettable guest experience.

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